Round #1 - Pool
Round Seeding
Seed Name Class./Rank Club(s) Division Country Status
1 CHAPMAN, Lesley C16 / 2  RCHSTER  Western NY  USA 
2 FERGUSON, Diane C16 / 3  OLDTOWN  Virginia  USA 
3 DRESSEL, Pamela C15 / 6  BALTI. F.C.  Maryland  USA 
4 DREYER, Nadia E15 / 7  FSA  Virginia  USA 
5 MARSH-SENIC, Ann A14 / 13  RENFENC  Michigan  USA 
6 BHATT, Morgane B15 / 15  TOUCHE  Central CA  USA 
7 BALICCHIA, Giulia C15 / 13  ACN  Georgia  USA 
8 LYTLE, Darby D15 / 19  LINCOLN F.C.  Nebr-S.Dak  USA 
9 BOLIN, Kimberly E15 / 10  SSC  Central CA  USA 
10 TOTEMEIER, Ann E15 / 20  NORCOLO  Colorado  USA 
11 NASH, Sara U / 10  DE VALL. F.C. / FAP-NORTH  Philadelphia  USA 
12 CROMPTON, Sue U / 12  RENFENC  Michigan  USA 
13 WOUNDY, Melissa U / 22  PROSPECT F.C.  Connecticut  USA 
14 SHEPARD, Tami U / 24  ORION  Oregon  USA 
16 CHO, Sookyung PREMIERFC  New Jersey  USA 
Round Scores
Pool #1
On strip C1
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 V V/M TS TR Ind
CHO, Sookyung
PREMIERFC / New Jersey / USA
1 D2 V5 V5 D4 D2 2 0.40 18 21 -3
RCHSTER / Western NY / USA
2 V5 V5 V5 V5 D3 4 0.80 23 13 +10
WOUNDY, Melissa
PROSPECT F.C. / Connecticut / USA
3 D4 D2 V5 D1 D1 1 0.20 13 24 -11
RENFENC / Michigan / USA
4 D2 D0 D4 D0 D0 0 0.00 6 25 -19
BHATT, Morgane
TOUCHE / Central CA / USA
5 V5 D4 V5 V5 V5 4 0.80 24 12 +12
ACN / Georgia / USA
6 V5 V5 V5 V5 D2 4 0.80 22 11 +11
CFA / Virginia / USA
Oregon / USA

Pool #2
On strip C2
# 1 2 3 4 5 V V/M TS TR Ind
NASH, Sara
DE VALL. F.C. / Philadelphia / USA
1 D2 D0 D1 V5 1 0.25 8 19 -11
LYTLE, Darby
LINCOLN F.C. / Nebr-S.Dak / USA
2 V5 D4 D0 V5 2 0.50 14 16 -2
OLDTOWN / Virginia / USA
3 V5 V5 D0 V5 3 0.75 15 10 +5
RENFENC / Michigan / USA
4 V5 V5 V5 V5 4 1.00 20 1 +19
ORION / Oregon / USA
5 D4 D4 D1 D0 0 0.00 9 20 -11
Capitol / USA
Western WA / USA

Pool #3
On strip C3
# 1 2 3 4 5 V V/M TS TR Ind
BALTI. F.C. / Maryland / USA
1 V5 V5 D3 V5 3 0.75 18 9 +9
BOLIN, Kimberly
SSC / Central CA / USA
2 D0 D4 D2 D0 0 0.00 6 20 -14
NTFA / North TX / USA
3 D2 V5 V5 D4 2 0.50 16 18 -2
FSA / Virginia / USA
4 V5 V5 D4 D4 2 0.50 18 15 +3
NORCOLO / Colorado / USA
5 D2 V5 V5 V5 3 0.75 17 13 +4
Philadelphia / USA
Gulf Coast / USA

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Round #2 - DE
Round Seeding
Seed Name Class./Rank Club(s) Division Country V V/M TS TR Ind Status
1 MARSH-SENIC, Ann A14 / 13  RENFENC  Michigan  USA  1.00  20  +19  Advanced
2 BHATT, Morgane B15 / 15  TOUCHE  Central CA  USA  0.80  24  12  +12  Advanced
3 BALICCHIA, Giulia C15 / 13  ACN  Georgia  USA  0.80  22  11  +11  Advanced
4 CHAPMAN, Lesley C16 / 2  RCHSTER  Western NY  USA  0.80  23  13  +10  Advanced
5 DRESSEL, Pamela C15 / 6  BALTI. F.C.  Maryland  USA  0.75  18  +9  Advanced
6 FERGUSON, Diane C16 / 3  OLDTOWN  Virginia  USA  0.75  15  10  +5  Advanced
7 TOTEMEIER, Ann E15 / 20  NORCOLO  Colorado  USA  0.75  17  13  +4  Advanced
8 DREYER, Nadia E15 / 7  FSA  Virginia  USA  0.50  18  15  +3  Advanced
9 HAMPTON-KHAMIS, Michele NTFA  North TX  USA  0.50  16  18  -2  Advanced
10 LYTLE, Darby D15 / 19  LINCOLN F.C.  Nebr-S.Dak  USA  0.50  14  16  -2  Advanced
11 CHO, Sookyung PREMIERFC  New Jersey  USA  0.40  18  21  -3  Advanced
12 NASH, Sara U / 10  DE VALL. F.C. / FAP-NORTH  Philadelphia  USA  0.25  19  -11  Advanced
13 WOUNDY, Melissa U / 22  PROSPECT F.C.  Connecticut  USA  0.20  13  24  -11  Advanced
14 SHEPARD, Tami U / 24  ORION  Oregon  USA  0.00  20  -11  Eliminated
15 BOLIN, Kimberly E15 / 10  SSC  Central CA  USA  0.00  20  -14  Eliminated
16 CROMPTON, Sue U / 12  RENFENC  Michigan  USA  0.00  25  -19  Eliminated
Round Scores
Table of 16 Table of 8 Semi-Finals Finals  
RENFENC / Michigan / USA
  (1) MARSH-SENIC, Ann
RENFENC / Michigan / USA
(16) -BYE-   
    (1) MARSH-SENIC, Ann
RENFENC / Michigan / USA
NTFA / North TX / USA
  10 - 6
Ref:  THORNTON, Ronald J.  CFA / Virginia / USA
Video:  ANGELOVA, ANNA  Oregon / USA
Assist:  BALAYAN, GARIK  Western WA / USA
  (8) DREYER, Nadia
FSA / Virginia / USA
(8) DREYER, Nadia
FSA / Virginia / USA
10 - 3
Ref:  DELGAIZO, ROBERT  Capitol / USA 
    (1) MARSH-SENIC, Ann
RENFENC / Michigan / USA
(5) DRESSEL, Pamela
BALTI. F.C. / Maryland / USA
  10 - 7
Ref:  BALAYAN, GARIK  Western WA / USA
Video:  DELGAIZO, ROBERT  Capitol / USA
Assist:  THORNTON, Ronald J.  CFA / Virginia / USA
  (5) DRESSEL, Pamela
BALTI. F.C. / Maryland / USA
(12) NASH, Sara
DE VALL. F.C. / Philadelphia / USA
10 - 3
Ref:  ANGELOVA, ANNA  Oregon / USA 
    (4) CHAPMAN, Lesley
RCHSTER / Western NY / USA
(13) WOUNDY, Melissa
PROSPECT F.C. / Connecticut / USA
  10 - 9
Ref:  ZELJKOVIC, JELENA  Philadelphia / USA
Video:  DELGAIZO, ROBERT  Capitol / USA
Assist:  PERKA, DELFINA  Gulf Coast / USA
  (4) CHAPMAN, Lesley
RCHSTER / Western NY / USA
(4) CHAPMAN, Lesley
RCHSTER / Western NY / USA
10 - 5
Ref:  ZELJKOVIC, JELENA  Philadelphia / USA 
    (1) MARSH-SENIC, Ann
RENFENC / Michigan / USA
(3) BALICCHIA, Giulia
ACN / Georgia / USA
  10 - 7
Ref:  ANGELOVA, ANNA  Oregon / USA
Video:  THORNTON, Ronald J.  CFA / Virginia / USA
Assist:  PERKA, DELFINA  Gulf Coast / USA
  (3) BALICCHIA, Giulia
ACN / Georgia / USA
(14) -BYE-       
    (3) BALICCHIA, Giulia
ACN / Georgia / USA
(11) CHO, Sookyung
PREMIERFC / New Jersey / USA
  10 - 0
Video:  ZELJKOVIC, JELENA  Philadelphia / USA
Assist:  THORNTON, Ronald J.  CFA / Virginia / USA
  (11) CHO, Sookyung
PREMIERFC / New Jersey / USA
(6) FERGUSON, Diane
OLDTOWN / Virginia / USA
10 - 3
Ref:  PERKA, DELFINA  Gulf Coast / USA 
    (3) BALICCHIA, Giulia
ACN / Georgia / USA
NORCOLO / Colorado / USA
  10 - 2
Ref:  ZELJKOVIC, JELENA  Philadelphia / USA
Video:  PERKA, DELFINA  Gulf Coast / USA
Assist:  ANGELOVA, ANNA  Oregon / USA
  (10) LYTLE, Darby
LINCOLN F.C. / Nebr-S.Dak / USA
(10) LYTLE, Darby
LINCOLN F.C. / Nebr-S.Dak / USA
8 - 7
Ref:  THORNTON, Ronald J.  CFA / Virginia / USA 
    (2) BHATT, Morgane
TOUCHE / Central CA / USA
(15) -BYE-    10 - 2
Ref:  PERKA, DELFINA  Gulf Coast / USA
Video:  BALAYAN, GARIK  Western WA / USA
Assist:  ANGELOVA, ANNA  Oregon / USA
  (2) BHATT, Morgane
TOUCHE / Central CA / USA
(2) BHATT, Morgane
TOUCHE / Central CA / USA

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Final Results
Event finished at 11:38 AM
Event classification: B1
Place Name Club(s) Division Country Class. Earned*
1 MARSH-SENIC, Ann RENFENC  Michigan  USA  A14   
2 BALICCHIA, Giulia ACN  Georgia  USA  C15  C16 
3T CHAPMAN, Lesley RCHSTER  Western NY  USA  C16   
3T BHATT, Morgane TOUCHE  Central CA  USA  B15   
5 DRESSEL, Pamela BALTI. F.C.  Maryland  USA  C15   
6 DREYER, Nadia FSA  Virginia  USA  E15  D16 
7 LYTLE, Darby LINCOLN F.C.  Nebr-S.Dak  USA  D15   
8 CHO, Sookyung PREMIERFC  New Jersey  USA  E16 
9 FERGUSON, Diane OLDTOWN  Virginia  USA  C16   
10 TOTEMEIER, Ann NORCOLO  Colorado  USA  E15   
11 HAMPTON-KHAMIS, Michele NTFA  North TX  USA   
12 NASH, Sara DE VALL. F.C. / FAP-NORTH  Philadelphia  USA   
13 WOUNDY, Melissa PROSPECT F.C.  Connecticut  USA   
14 SHEPARD, Tami ORION  Oregon  USA   
15 BOLIN, Kimberly SSC  Central CA  USA  E15   
16 CROMPTON, Sue RENFENC  Michigan  USA   
*Earned classifications are not official until recorded by the National Office.
The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.