Round #1 - DE
Round Seeding
Seed Name Points Members Club(s) Division Country Status
1 San Francisco Fencers Club #2 1876  Cho, Sabrina - C16 / 34; Luong, Joanne - C15 / 81; Luong, Paige - B15 / 11; Marinelli, Ever - B15 / 19      USA 
2 Empire United 1621  Floyd, Ava - D15 / 46; Lee, Allison - D15 / 61; Rosberger, Jessica - E15 / 142; Scruggs, Lauren - A16 / 2      USA 
3 San Francisco Fencers Club 1290  Bhanot, Gayatri - E15; Hung, Juliana - C15 / 61; Tan, Delphine - C16 / 44      USA 
4 UNITED FENCING ACADEMY 1240  Cola, Emmanuelle - C16 / 72; Tran Ms., Ava - E15 / 96; Yamaguchi, Kate - D15 / 76  UFA  Southern CA  USA 
5 SVF Girls 730  Knight, Skylar - E16 / 99; La Rosa, Ludovica - E15 / 120; Raman, Tanvi - U  SILICONVALLEYFCTR  Central CA  USA 
6 GRAFA GIRLS 720  DeBack, Greta - E15 / 74; Conway, Josephina - E15 / 102; Santos, Erica Pauline - U; Santos, Annika Beatrice - U  GRAFA  Michigan  USA 
Round Scores
Table of 8 Semi-Finals Finals  
(1) San Francisco Fencers Club #2
  (1) San Francisco Fencers Club #2
(8) -BYE-   
    (1) San Francisco Fencers Club #2
(5) SVF Girls
  19 - 18
[Match Details] 
UFA / Southern CA / USA
UFA / Southern CA / USA
40 - 17
[Match Details] 
    (3) San Francisco Fencers Club
(3) San Francisco Fencers Club
  35 - 28
[Match Details] 
  (3) San Francisco Fencers Club
GRAFA / Michigan / USA
37 - 24
[Match Details] 
    (3) San Francisco Fencers Club
(7) -BYE-    25 - 24
[Match Details] 
  (2) Empire United
(2) Empire United

Fence-off for Third  
UFA / Southern CA / USA
  (2) Empire United
(2) Empire United
36 - 22
[Match Details] 

Table of 8, bout #2 of 4
3 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 4 4 1 1 La Rosa, Ludovica 6
1 Tran Ms., Ava D. 1 5 5 4 Knight, Skylar 5
2 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 5 10 6 1 Raman, Tanvi 4
1 Tran Ms., Ava D. 4 14 8 2 La Rosa, Ludovica 6
3 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 4 18 11 3 Raman, Tanvi 4
2 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 6 24 12 1 Knight, Skylar 5
1 Tran Ms., Ava D. 2 26 13 1 Raman, Tanvi 4
2 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 8 34 15 2 La Rosa, Ludovica 6
3 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 6 40 17 2 Knight, Skylar 5
      V40 D17      
Ref:  Green, Michael C.  Western WA / USA
Ref:  Tafoya, Devin D.  DFC / Colorado / USA
Table of 8, bout #3 of 4
# GRAFA GIRLS TS Score Score TS San Francisco Fencers Club #
6 Conway, Josephina J. 3 3 2 2 Tan, Delphine 3
5 DeBack, Greta I. 5 8 5 3 Bhanot, Gayatri 1
4 Santos, Erica Pauline I. 3 11 14 9 Hung, Juliana K. 2
6 Conway, Josephina J. 1 12 15 1 Bhanot, Gayatri 1
R Santos, Annika Beatrice I. 0 12 25 10 Tan, Delphine 3
5 DeBack, Greta I. 4 16 28 3 Hung, Juliana K. 2
R Santos, Annika Beatrice I. 4 20 33 5 Bhanot, Gayatri 1
6 Conway, Josephina J. 0 20 33 0 Hung, Juliana K. 2
5 DeBack, Greta I. 4 24 37 4 Tan, Delphine 3
      D24 V37      
Ref:  Ferencz, Alexander J.  RENFENC / Utah-S.Idaho / USA
Ref:  Petty, Ryan  Wisconsin / USA
Semi-Finals, bout #1 of 2
# UNITED FENCING ACADEMY TS Score Score TS San Francisco Fencers Club #2 #
6 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 0 0 1 1 Luong, Paige K. 3
5 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 2 2 1 0 Cho, Sabrina N. 1
4 Tran Ms., Ava D. 5 7 4 3 Marinelli, Ever 2
6 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 3 10 5 1 Cho, Sabrina N. 1
4 Tran Ms., Ava D. 1 11 9 4 Luong, Paige K. 3
5 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 1 12 9 0 Marinelli, Ever 2
4 Tran Ms., Ava D. 1 13 15 6 Luong, Joanne K. R
6 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 0 13 17 2 Marinelli, Ever 2
5 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 5 18 19 2 Luong, Paige K. 3
      D18 V19      
Ref:  Tafoya, Devin D.  DFC / Colorado / USA
Ref:  Ferencz, Alexander J.  RENFENC / Utah-S.Idaho / USA
Semi-Finals, bout #2 of 2
# Empire United TS Score Score TS San Francisco Fencers Club #
3 Rosberger, Jessica 2 2 2 2 Hung, Juliana K. 6
1 Floyd, Ava J. 3 5 6 4 Tan, Delphine 5
2 Lee, Allison 2 7 7 1 Bhanot, Gayatri 4
1 Floyd, Ava J. 2 9 10 3 Hung, Juliana K. 6
3 Rosberger, Jessica 0 9 13 3 Bhanot, Gayatri 4
2 Lee, Allison 2 11 13 0 Tan, Delphine 5
1 Floyd, Ava J. 4 15 18 5 Bhanot, Gayatri 4
2 Lee, Allison 0 15 20 2 Hung, Juliana K. 6
R Scruggs, Lauren S. 9 24 25 5 Tan, Delphine 5
      D24 V25      
Ref:  Petty, Ryan  Wisconsin / USA
Ref:  Green, Michael C.  Western WA / USA
Finals, bout #1 of 1
# San Francisco Fencers Club TS Score Score TS San Francisco Fencers Club #2 #
6 Hung, Juliana K. 2 2 2 2 Luong, Paige K. 3
5 Tan, Delphine 1 3 4 2 Cho, Sabrina N. 1
4 Bhanot, Gayatri 6 9 6 2 Marinelli, Ever 2
6 Hung, Juliana K. 2 11 6 0 Cho, Sabrina N. 1
4 Bhanot, Gayatri 3 14 11 5 Luong, Paige K. 3
5 Tan, Delphine 6 20 14 3 Luong, Joanne K. R
4 Bhanot, Gayatri 5 25 22 8 Cho, Sabrina N. 1
6 Hung, Juliana K. 4 29 26 4 Luong, Joanne K. R
5 Tan, Delphine 6 35 28 2 Luong, Paige K. 3
      V35 D28      
Ref:  Petty, Ryan  Wisconsin / USA
Ref:  Tafoya, Devin D.  DFC / Colorado / USA
Fence-off for Third, bout #1 of 1
# Empire United TS Score Score TS UNITED FENCING ACADEMY #
3 Floyd, Ava J. 3 3 3 3 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 6
1 Lee, Allison 3 6 6 3 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 5
2 Rosberger, Jessica 3 9 8 2 Tran Ms., Ava D. 4
1 Lee, Allison 1 10 8 0 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 6
3 Floyd, Ava J. 4 14 11 3 Tran Ms., Ava D. 4
2 Rosberger, Jessica 6 20 11 0 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 5
1 Lee, Allison 2 22 13 2 Tran Ms., Ava D. 4
2 Rosberger, Jessica 6 28 18 5 Yamaguchi, Kate M. 6
3 Floyd, Ava J. 8 36 22 4 Cola, Emmanuelle R. 5
      V36 D22      
Ref:  Ferencz, Alexander J.  RENFENC / Utah-S.Idaho / USA
Ref:  Green, Michael C.  Western WA / USA

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Final Results
Event finished at 12:53 PM
Place Name Club(s) Division Country Members
1 San Francisco Fencers Club     USA  Bhanot, Hung, Tan 
2 San Francisco Fencers Club #2     USA  Cho, Luong, Luong, Marinelli 
3 Empire United     USA  Floyd, Lee, Rosberger, Scruggs 
4 UNITED FENCING ACADEMY UFA  Southern CA  USA  Cola, Tran, Yamaguchi 
5 SVF Girls SILICONVALLEYFCTR  Central CA  USA  Knight, La Rosa, Raman 
6 GRAFA GIRLS GRAFA  Michigan  USA  DeBack, Conway, Santos, Santos 
*Earned classifications are not official until recorded by the National Office.
The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.