Round #1 - DE
Round Seeding
Seed Name Points Members Club(s) Division Country Status
1 Nellya Team A 1880  FERNANDES, Aksel - D14 / 24; SKEETE, Kamar - B15 / 10; WALKER, Christopher - C15 / 6; ZHAO, Raymond - C15 / 13      USA 
2 SON 1676  DROZ, Camden - U; GUERRERO, Alejandro - D15 / 107; JULIEN, William A - B15 / 19; MATRICCIANI, NOAH - C14 / 21  SON  Gold Coast  USA 
3 Oregon-Texas Fencing Alliance 1210  MURTAUGH, Arthur - E15 / 65; WANG, Ethan - D15; ATTIG, Will - C15 / 58  OREGONFA  Oregon  USA 
4 Nellya Team B 1160  GREENBAUM, Maxwell - E15 / 107; HARLEY, Sage - E15 / 113; LIU, Jesse - C15 / 58      USA 
5 Fencers Club of Arizona 920  LINDER, James - D14 / 39; MCBRIDE, Jackson - U; BOLTON, Braydon - U; BOLTON, Dawson - D14 / 65  F.C. - AZ  Arizona  USA 
6 M(FC) 920  BIVINS III, George - D15 / 23; LORTKIPANIDZE, Guram - E12 / 98; LORTKIPANIDZE, Nickoloz - U / 92; NADILE, Henry - U  FENCERS  Metro NYC  USA 
7 Salle Auriol Seattle 840  GRATHWOL-SEAR, Sebastian - D15; KARAM, Tariq - D15; AMEZQUITA, Pablo - U; CHRISTENSEN, Jack - U  SAS  Western WA  USA 
8 HC Band of Brothers 840  OSTER, Keegan - D15 / 65; FLORES, Peter - U; PARK, Donghwan - E15 / 79  HRIS-CSIK  Mt. Valley  USA 
9 The Killer Monkeys 610  DINU, Nicholas - D14 / 39; GUNDERSON, Grant - U; NARANJO, Daniel - U  LAGUNA F.C.  Orange Coast  USA 
10 Dynamo Fencing Center 400  DUVAL, John - U / 58; DUVAL, Theodore - U; KUSHKOV, Simon - U / 39  DYNAMOFC  New England  USA 
Round Scores
Table of 16 Table of 8 Semi-Finals Finals  
(1) Nellya Team A
  (1) Nellya Team A
(16) -BYE-   
    (1) Nellya Team A
(9) The Killer Monkeys
LAGUNA F.C. / Orange Coast / USA
  45 - 31
[Match Details] 
  (8) HC Band of Brothers
HRIS-CSIK / Mt. Valley / USA
(8) HC Band of Brothers
HRIS-CSIK / Mt. Valley / USA
45 - 27
[Match Details] 
    (1) Nellya Team A
(5) Fencers Club of Arizona
F.C. - AZ / Arizona / USA
  45 - 24
[Match Details] 
  (5) Fencers Club of Arizona
F.C. - AZ / Arizona / USA
(12) -BYE-       
    (4) Nellya Team B
(13) -BYE-    45 - 40
[Match Details] 
  (4) Nellya Team B
(4) Nellya Team B
    (1) Nellya Team A
(3) Oregon-Texas Fencing Alliance
  45 - 42
[Match Details] 
  (3) Oregon-Texas Fencing Alliance
(14) -BYE-       
    (6) M(FC)
(11) -BYE-    45 - 37
[Match Details] 
  (6) M(FC)
(6) M(FC)
    (2) SON
SON / Gold Coast / USA
(7) Salle Auriol Seattle
SAS / Western WA / USA
  45 - 42
[Match Details] 
  (7) Salle Auriol Seattle
SAS / Western WA / USA
(10) Dynamo Fencing Center
DYNAMOFC / New England / USA
45 - 34
[Match Details] 
    (2) SON
SON / Gold Coast / USA
(15) -BYE-    45 - 29
[Match Details] 
  (2) SON
SON / Gold Coast / USA
(2) SON
SON / Gold Coast / USA

Fence-off for Third  
(4) Nellya Team B
  (6) M(FC)
(6) M(FC)
45 - 36
[Match Details] 

Table of 16, bout #2 of 8
# HC Band of Brothers TS Score Score TS The Killer Monkeys #
3 OSTER, Keegan J. 5 5 1 1 GUNDERSON, Grant G. 6
1 FLORES, Peter J. 5 10 9 8 DINU, Nicholas D. 5
2 PARK, Donghwan 5 15 12 3 NARANJO, Daniel E. 4
1 FLORES, Peter J. 5 20 15 3 GUNDERSON, Grant G. 6
3 OSTER, Keegan J. 5 25 16 1 NARANJO, Daniel E. 4
2 PARK, Donghwan 5 30 17 1 DINU, Nicholas D. 5
1 FLORES, Peter J. 5 35 25 8 NARANJO, Daniel E. 4
2 PARK, Donghwan 5 40 26 1 GUNDERSON, Grant G. 6
3 OSTER, Keegan J. 5 45 27 1 DINU, Nicholas D. 5
      V45 D27      
Ref:  DANIELL, Madeleine  North TX
Ref:  STETSIV, Oleg  New Jersey
Table of 16, bout #7 of 8
# Dynamo Fencing Center TS Score Score TS Salle Auriol Seattle #
6 KUSHKOV, Simon O. 2 2 5 5 KARAM, Tariq A. 3
5 DUVAL, John C. 4 6 10 5 AMEZQUITA, Pablo 1
4 DUVAL, Theodore M. 2 8 15 5 GRATHWOL-SEAR, Sebastian 2
6 KUSHKOV, Simon O. 7 15 20 5 AMEZQUITA, Pablo 1
4 DUVAL, Theodore M. 1 16 25 5 KARAM, Tariq A. 3
5 DUVAL, John C. 7 23 30 5 GRATHWOL-SEAR, Sebastian 2
4 DUVAL, Theodore M. 1 24 35 5 AMEZQUITA, Pablo 1
6 KUSHKOV, Simon O. 5 29 40 5 GRATHWOL-SEAR, Sebastian 2
5 DUVAL, John C. 5 34 45 5 KARAM, Tariq A. 3
      D34 V45      
Ref:  HAN, Kristina  CAN
Ref:  LILOV, Vladimir  New Jersey
Table of 8, bout #1 of 4
# HC Band of Brothers TS Score Score TS Nellya Team A #
6 PARK, Donghwan 2 2 5 5 SKEETE, Kamar A. 3
5 OSTER, Keegan J. 1 3 10 5 WALKER, Christopher J. 1
4 FLORES, Peter J. 2 5 15 5 ZHAO, Raymond H. 2
6 PARK, Donghwan 3 8 20 5 WALKER, Christopher J. 1
4 FLORES, Peter J. 1 9 25 5 SKEETE, Kamar A. 3
5 OSTER, Keegan J. 10 19 30 5 FERNANDES, Aksel R
4 FLORES, Peter J. 2 21 35 5 WALKER, Christopher J. 1
6 PARK, Donghwan 9 30 40 5 FERNANDES, Aksel R
5 OSTER, Keegan J. 1 31 45 5 SKEETE, Kamar A. 3
      D31 V45      
Ref:  STAPLETON, Lindsay K.  SAS / Western WA / USA
Ref:  DANIELL, Madeleine  North TX
Ref:  VASIC, Milos  Philadelphia
Table of 8, bout #2 of 4
# Nellya Team B TS Score Score TS Fencers Club of Arizona #
3 LIU, Jesse Y. 5 5 2 2 MCBRIDE, Jackson R. 6
1 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 5 10 9 7 LINDER, James L. 5
2 HARLEY, Sage N. 5 15 13 4 BOLTON, Braydon A. 4
1 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 5 20 19 6 BOLTON, Dawson E. R
3 LIU, Jesse Y. 5 25 21 2 BOLTON, Braydon A. 4
2 HARLEY, Sage N. 5 30 27 6 LINDER, James L. 5
1 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 5 35 30 3 BOLTON, Braydon A. 4
2 HARLEY, Sage N. 5 40 34 4 BOLTON, Dawson E. R
3 LIU, Jesse Y. 5 45 40 6 LINDER, James L. 5
      V45 D40      
Ref:  MATT, Ryan  Virginia
Table of 8, bout #3 of 4
# M(FC) TS Score Score TS Oregon-Texas Fencing Alliance #
6 LORTKIPANIDZE, Nickoloz 5 5 1 1 ATTIG, Will T. 3
5 BIVINS III, George A. 5 10 3 2 WANG, Ethan A. 1
4 LORTKIPANIDZE, Guram 5 15 8 5 MURTAUGH, Arthur C. 2
6 LORTKIPANIDZE, Nickoloz 5 20 11 3 WANG, Ethan A. 1
4 LORTKIPANIDZE, Guram 5 25 12 1 ATTIG, Will T. 3
5 BIVINS III, George A. 5 30 17 5 MURTAUGH, Arthur C. 2
4 LORTKIPANIDZE, Guram 5 35 20 3 WANG, Ethan A. 1
6 LORTKIPANIDZE, Nickoloz 5 40 37 17 MURTAUGH, Arthur C. 2
5 BIVINS III, George A. 5 45 37 0 ATTIG, Will T. 3
      V45 D37      
Ref:  VASIC, Milos  Philadelphia
Ref:  STAPLETON, Lindsay K.  SAS / Western WA / USA
Table of 8, bout #4 of 4
# SON TS Score Score TS Salle Auriol Seattle #
3 DROZ, Camden J. 0 0 5 5 GRATHWOL-SEAR, Sebastian 6
1 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 7 7 10 5 KARAM, Tariq A. 5
1 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 5 20 14 1 GRATHWOL-SEAR, Sebastian 6
R JULIEN, William A 5 25 14 0 AMEZQUITA, Pablo R
2 MATRICCIANI, NOAH 5 30 16 2 KARAM, Tariq A. 5
1 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 5 35 22 6 AMEZQUITA, Pablo R
2 MATRICCIANI, NOAH 5 40 26 4 GRATHWOL-SEAR, Sebastian 6
R JULIEN, William A 5 45 29 3 KARAM, Tariq A. 5
      V45 D29      
Ref:  HAN, Kristina  CAN
Ref:  MATT, Ryan  Virginia
Ref:  STETSIV, Oleg  New Jersey
Semi-Finals, bout #1 of 2
# Nellya Team B TS Score Score TS Nellya Team A #
6 HARLEY, Sage N. 1 1 5 5 ZHAO, Raymond H. 3
5 LIU, Jesse Y. 1 2 10 5 WALKER, Christopher J. 1
4 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 6 8 15 5 FERNANDES, Aksel 2
6 HARLEY, Sage N. 0 8 20 5 WALKER, Christopher J. 1
4 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 3 11 25 5 ZHAO, Raymond H. 3
5 LIU, Jesse Y. 1 12 30 5 FERNANDES, Aksel 2
4 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 7 19 35 5 WALKER, Christopher J. 1
6 HARLEY, Sage N. 2 21 40 5 FERNANDES, Aksel 2
5 LIU, Jesse Y. 3 24 45 5 ZHAO, Raymond H. 3
      D24 V45      
Ref:  DANIELL, Madeleine  North TX
Ref:  STETSIV, Oleg  New Jersey
Ref:  VASIC, Milos  Philadelphia
Semi-Finals, bout #2 of 2
# SON TS Score Score TS M(FC) #
3 JULIEN, William A 5 5 2 2 LORTKIPANIDZE, Nickoloz 6
1 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 5 10 7 5 NADILE, Henry V. 5
2 MATRICCIANI, NOAH 5 15 12 5 BIVINS III, George A. 4
1 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 5 20 16 4 LORTKIPANIDZE, Nickoloz 6
3 JULIEN, William A 5 25 24 8 BIVINS III, George A. 4
2 MATRICCIANI, NOAH 5 30 26 2 NADILE, Henry V. 5
1 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 2 32 35 9 BIVINS III, George A. 4
3 JULIEN, William A 5 45 42 4 NADILE, Henry V. 5
      V45 D42      
Ref:  MATT, Ryan  Virginia
Ref:  STAPLETON, Lindsay K.  SAS / Western WA / USA
Ref:  HAN, Kristina  CAN
Finals, bout #1 of 1
# SON TS Score Score TS Nellya Team A #
5 JULIEN, William A 4 9 10 9 ZHAO, Raymond H. 1
4 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 3 12 15 5 SKEETE, Kamar A. 2
6 MATRICCIANI, NOAH 8 20 19 4 ZHAO, Raymond H. 1
4 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 5 25 20 1 WALKER, Christopher J. R
5 JULIEN, William A 5 30 23 3 SKEETE, Kamar A. 2
4 GUERRERO, Alejandro A. 5 35 34 11 ZHAO, Raymond H. 1
6 MATRICCIANI, NOAH 5 40 36 2 SKEETE, Kamar A. 2
5 JULIEN, William A 2 42 45 9 WALKER, Christopher J. R
      D42 V45      
Ref:  STAPLETON, Lindsay K.  SAS / Western WA / USA
Ref:  DANIELL, Madeleine  North TX
Ref:  MATT, Ryan  Virginia
Fence-off for Third, bout #1 of 1
# M(FC) TS Score Score TS Nellya Team B #
6 NADILE, Henry V. 4 4 5 5 LIU, Jesse Y. 3
5 BIVINS III, George A. 4 8 10 5 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 1
4 LORTKIPANIDZE, Guram 7 15 12 2 HARLEY, Sage N. 2
6 NADILE, Henry V. 5 20 13 1 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 1
4 LORTKIPANIDZE, Guram 5 25 18 5 LIU, Jesse Y. 3
5 BIVINS III, George A. 5 30 19 1 HARLEY, Sage N. 2
4 LORTKIPANIDZE, Guram 5 35 21 2 GREENBAUM, Maxwell H. 1
6 NADILE, Henry V. 5 40 29 8 HARLEY, Sage N. 2
5 BIVINS III, George A. 5 45 36 7 LIU, Jesse Y. 3
      V45 D36      
Ref:  VASIC, Milos  Philadelphia
Ref:  STETSIV, Oleg  New Jersey
Ref:  HAN, Kristina  CAN

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Final Results
Event finished at 12:15 PM
Place Name Club(s) Division Country Members
1 Nellya Team A     USA  Fernandes, Skeete, Walker, Zhao 
2 SON SON  Gold Coast  USA  Droz, Guerrero, Julien, MATRICCIANI 
3 M(FC) FENCERS  Metro NYC  USA  Bivins, Lortkipanidze, Lortkipanidze, Nadile 
4 Nellya Team B     USA  Greenbaum, Harley, Liu 
5 Oregon-Texas Fencing Alliance OREGONFA  Oregon  USA  Murtaugh, Wang, Attig 
6 Fencers Club of Arizona F.C. - AZ  Arizona  USA  Linder, McBride, Bolton, Bolton 
7 Salle Auriol Seattle SAS  Western WA  USA  Grathwol-Sear, Karam, Amezquita, Christensen 
8 HC Band of Brothers HRIS-CSIK  Mt. Valley  USA  Oster, Flores, Park 
9 The Killer Monkeys LAGUNA F.C.  Orange Coast  USA  Dinu, Gunderson, Naranjo 
10 Dynamo Fencing Center DYNAMOFC  New England  USA  Duval, Duval, Kushkov 
*Earned classifications are not official until recorded by the National Office.
The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.