Round #1 - DE
Round Seeding
Seed Name Points Members Club(s) Division Country Status
1 The Needles 2048  KOCAB, Elizabeth - A13 / 2, PIERCE, Marcia - C13 / 8, FINNEGAN, Ellen - B15, TOTEMEIER, Ann - B14 / 1  UFO  Michigan  USA 
2 NWFC 2024  COPELAN, Maria - A13 / 12, FORD, Cristina - B14 / 16, BROWN, Trish - E14 / 58, WARLAUMONT, Carrie - C14 / 17  NWFC  Oregon  USA 
3 BCJ + Company 1951  GORDET, Cristina - B14 / 5, MIDGLEY, Janice - B11 / 35, SLIKAS, Beth - B14 / 10  MEDEO F.C.  New Jersey  USA 
4 West Coast Tsunami 1715  BLOOMER, Suzanne - B11, GLOVER, Cynthia - B11 / 18, HUANG, Mary - B12, LACARRA, Rosanna - C13  RAIN CITY  Western WA  USA 
5 Candlewood coyOtes 1604  MARCHANT, Sandra - A14 / 4, SIMON, Sally - U / 15, STAVISKY, Natalia - C15 / 6  OLYMPIA F. C.  New England  USA 
6 We Were Here Anyway 1597  MCMENAMIN, Dianna - B12 / 19, TASKER, Monisha - E13 / 45, VERHAVE, Michelle - C15, WOLF, Lisa - D14 / 20  RIVERSIDE  New England  USA 
7 The Pins 1282  TADLOCK, Christine - C14 / 46, WILKENS, Patricia - D13 / 31, ROSSI, Anne - E15 / 53  FIT  North TX  USA 
8 Frankie's Angels 1037  CORKILL, Kimberly - E14 / 22, GARRY, Elizabeth - U, TAYENGCO, Michele - C14 / 27, CONNELLY-UMANOS, Ava - U  DESRT. BLDS  Nevada  USA 
Round Scores
Table of 8 Semi-Finals Finals  
(1) The Needles 
UFO / Michigan / USA  (1) The Needles 
(8) Frankie's Angels  45 - 31
[Match Details] 
DESRT. BLDS / Nevada / USA    (1) The Needles 
(5) Candlewood coyOtes    45 - 37
[Match Details] 
OLYMPIA F. C. / New England / USA  (5) Candlewood coyOtes   
(4) West Coast Tsunami  45 - 42
[Match Details] 
RAIN CITY / Western WA / USA    (1) The Needles 
(3) BCJ + Company    45 - 24
[Match Details] 
MEDEO F.C. / New Jersey / USA  (6) We Were Here Anyway     
(6) We Were Here Anyway  44 - 42
[Match Details] 
RIVERSIDE / New England / USA    (6) We Were Here Anyway   
(7) The Pins    45 - 44
[Match Details] 
FIT / North TX / USA  (2) NWFC   
(2) NWFC  45 - 26
[Match Details] 
NWFC / Oregon / USA   

Fence-off for Third  
(5) Candlewood coyOtes 
OLYMPIA F. C. / New England / USA  (2) NWFC 
(2) NWFC  45 - 44
[Match Details] 
NWFC / Oregon / USA   

Table of 8, bout #1 of 4
# Frankie's Angels TS Score Score TS The Needles #
6 GARRY, Elizabeth A. 4 4 5 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
5 CORKILL, Kimberly A. 6 10 6 1 FINNEGAN, Ellen M. 1
4 CONNELLY-UMANOS, Ava L. 1 11 15 9 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
6 GARRY, Elizabeth A. 4 15 20 5 FINNEGAN, Ellen M. 1
4 CONNELLY-UMANOS, Ava L. 1 16 25 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
5 CORKILL, Kimberly A. 3 19 30 5 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
4 CONNELLY-UMANOS, Ava L. 3 22 35 5 PIERCE, Marcia M. R
6 GARRY, Elizabeth A. 3 25 40 5 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
5 CORKILL, Kimberly A. 6 31 45 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
      D31 V45      
Ref:  MAHON, Mary E.  Gold Coast / USA
Ref:  HRISTOV, Hristo  New Jersey / USA
Table of 8, bout #2 of 4
# West Coast Tsunami TS Score Score TS Candlewood coyOtes #
3 GLOVER, Cynthia E. 4 4 5 5 SIMON, Sally R. 6
1 BLOOMER, Suzanne 4 8 10 5 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 5
2 HUANG, Mary A. 5 13 15 5 STAVISKY, Natalia 4
1 BLOOMER, Suzanne 7 20 20 5 SIMON, Sally R. 6
3 GLOVER, Cynthia E. 5 25 24 4 STAVISKY, Natalia 4
2 HUANG, Mary A. 5 30 29 5 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 5
1 BLOOMER, Suzanne 5 35 33 4 STAVISKY, Natalia 4
2 HUANG, Mary A. 5 40 38 5 SIMON, Sally R. 6
3 GLOVER, Cynthia E. 2 42 45 7 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 5
      D42 V45      
Ref:  NONOMURA, George  Northern CA / USA
Ref:  ROSS, Michael  South TX / USA
Table of 8, bout #3 of 4
# We Were Here Anyway TS Score Score TS BCJ + Company #
6 VERHAVE, Michelle 3 3 5 5 SLIKAS, Beth 3
5 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 7 10 8 3 MIDGLEY, Janice M. 1
4 WOLF, Lisa A. 5 15 14 6 GORDET, Cristina G. 2
6 VERHAVE, Michelle 2 17 20 6 MIDGLEY, Janice M. 1
4 WOLF, Lisa A. 8 25 24 4 SLIKAS, Beth 3
5 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 4 29 29 5 GORDET, Cristina G. 2
4 WOLF, Lisa A. 6 35 33 4 MIDGLEY, Janice M. 1
6 VERHAVE, Michelle 5 40 36 3 GORDET, Cristina G. 2
5 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 4 44 42 6 SLIKAS, Beth 3
      V44 D42      
Ref:  STASINOS, Mark  Utah-S.Idaho / USA
Ref:  BALOG, Marcus  Virginia / USA
Table of 8, bout #4 of 4
# NWFC TS Score Score TS The Pins #
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 5 5 1 1 WILKENS, Patricia A. 6
1 BROWN, Trish M. 5 10 6 5 TADLOCK, Christine M. 5
2 FORD, Cristina E. 5 15 10 4 ROSSI, Anne R. 4
1 BROWN, Trish M. 5 20 13 3 WILKENS, Patricia A. 6
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 5 25 16 3 ROSSI, Anne R. 4
2 FORD, Cristina E. 5 30 18 2 TADLOCK, Christine M. 5
R WARLAUMONT, Carrie 5 35 21 3 ROSSI, Anne R. 4
2 FORD, Cristina E. 5 40 23 2 WILKENS, Patricia A. 6
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 5 45 26 3 TADLOCK, Christine M. 5
      V45 D26      
Ref:  TASS, Atilio  New England / USA
Ref:  BREWER, Adam  New England / USA
Semi-Finals, bout #1 of 2
# Candlewood coyOtes TS Score Score TS The Needles #
6 SIMON, Sally R. 2 2 5 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
5 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 6 8 10 5 PIERCE, Marcia M. 1
4 STAVISKY, Natalia 3 11 15 5 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
6 SIMON, Sally R. 6 17 20 5 PIERCE, Marcia M. 1
4 STAVISKY, Natalia 3 20 25 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
5 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 2 22 30 5 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
4 STAVISKY, Natalia 7 29 35 5 PIERCE, Marcia M. 1
6 SIMON, Sally R. 4 33 40 5 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
5 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 4 37 45 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
      D37 V45      
Ref:  NONOMURA, George  Northern CA / USA
Ref:  ROSS, Michael  South TX / USA
Semi-Finals, bout #2 of 2
# NWFC TS Score Score TS We Were Here Anyway #
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 5 5 2 2 TASKER, Monisha B. 6
1 BROWN, Trish M. 2 7 10 8 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 5
2 FORD, Cristina E. 5 12 15 5 WOLF, Lisa A. 4
1 BROWN, Trish M. 6 18 19 4 TASKER, Monisha B. 6
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 3 21 25 6 WOLF, Lisa A. 4
2 FORD, Cristina E. 7 28 26 1 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 5
1 BROWN, Trish M. 3 31 33 7 WOLF, Lisa A. 4
2 FORD, Cristina E. 8 39 40 7 TASKER, Monisha B. 6
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 5 44 45 5 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 5
      D44 V45      
Ref:  BALOG, Marcus  Virginia / USA
Ref:  PORTER, George  Southern CA / USA
Finals, bout #1 of 1
# We Were Here Anyway TS Score Score TS The Needles #
6 TASKER, Monisha B. 3 3 5 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
5 WOLF, Lisa A. 3 6 10 5 FINNEGAN, Ellen M. 1
4 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 1 7 15 5 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
6 TASKER, Monisha B. 2 9 20 5 FINNEGAN, Ellen M. 1
4 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 4 13 25 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
5 WOLF, Lisa A. 1 14 30 5 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
4 MCMENAMIN, Dianna S. 7 21 35 5 FINNEGAN, Ellen M. 1
6 TASKER, Monisha B. 2 23 40 5 KOCAB, Elizabeth R. 2
5 WOLF, Lisa A. 1 24 45 5 TOTEMEIER, Ann M. 3
      D24 V45      
Ref:  STASINOS, Mark  Utah-S.Idaho / USA
Ref:  NONOMURA, George  Northern CA / USA
Fence-off for Third, bout #1 of 1
# NWFC TS Score Score TS Candlewood coyOtes #
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 5 5 3 3 SIMON, Sally R. 6
1 BROWN, Trish M. 1 6 10 7 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 5
2 FORD, Cristina E. 4 10 15 5 STAVISKY, Natalia 4
1 BROWN, Trish M. 4 14 17 2 SIMON, Sally R. 6
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 10 24 23 6 STAVISKY, Natalia 4
2 FORD, Cristina E. 6 30 27 4 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 5
1 BROWN, Trish M. 3 33 35 8 STAVISKY, Natalia 4
2 FORD, Cristina E. 7 40 38 3 SIMON, Sally R. 6
3 COPELAN, Maria A. 5 45 44 6 MARCHANT, Sandra M. 5
      V45 D44      
Ref:  BALOG, Marcus  Virginia / USA
Ref:  PORTER, George  Southern CA / USA

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Final Results
Event finished at 4:34 PM
Place Name Club(s) Division Country Members
1 The Needles UFO  Michigan  USA  Kocab, Pierce, Finnegan, Totemeier 
2 We Were Here Anyway RIVERSIDE  New England  USA  McMenamin, Tasker, Verhave, Wolf 
3 NWFC NWFC  Oregon  USA  Copelan, Ford, Brown, Warlaumont 
4 Candlewood coyOtes OLYMPIA F. C.  New England  USA  Marchant, Simon, Stavisky 
5 BCJ + Company MEDEO F.C.  New Jersey  USA  Gordet, Midgley, Slikas 
6 West Coast Tsunami RAIN CITY  Western WA  USA  Bloomer, Glover, Huang, Lacarra 
7 The Pins FIT  North TX  USA  Tadlock, Wilkens, Rossi 
8 Frankie's Angels DESRT. BLDS  Nevada  USA  Corkill, Garry, Tayengco, Connelly-Umanos 
*Earned classifications are not official until recorded by the National Office.
The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.