Round #1 - DE
Round Seeding
Seed Name Points Members Club(s) Division Country Status
1 Boston Fencing Club 2242  Wallace, Shawn - A13 / 30, Wells, Tessa - E13, Wolf, Stephanie - A12 / 39, Zhao, Amy - A13 / 40  BOSTN FNCNG. CLB.  New England  USA 
2 Boston Fencing Club II 1757  Bates, Cassandra - A13 / 21, Jolley, Helen - A13 / 59, Killough, Madeleine - E13  BOSTN FNCNG. CLB.  New England  USA 
3 Salle Auriol Seattle 1740  Floyd, Julee (Alaina) - B13, Fredendall, Susan - B12, Haberkern, Kundry - A10  SAS  Western WA  USA 
4 Espada Training Center 1661  Buechel, Holly - A11 / 32, Lott, Lyric - D13, Valese, Brianna (Bri) - B13, Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) - D13  ESPADA  New Jersey  USA 
5 RIFAC 1580  Partridge, Bailey - B13, Tannous, Dominique (Dom) - A13, Solley, Luisa - D13  RIFAC  New England  USA 
6 NYU 1235  Sherman, Jessica - D13, Willock, Lauren - A13 / 18, Parkhurst, Alyssa - U  FENCERS  Metro NYC  USA 
Round Scores
Table of 8 Semi-Finals Finals  
(1) Boston Fencing Club 
BOSTN FNCNG. CLB. / New England / USA  (1) Boston Fencing Club 
(8) -BYE-   
    (4) Espada Training Center 
(5) RIFAC    45 - 39
[Match Details]
Ref:  Thornton, Ron 
RIFAC / New England / USA  (4) Espada Training Center   
(4) Espada Training Center  45 - 27
[Match Details]
Ref:  Goossens, Bruno 
ESPADA / New Jersey / USA    (2) Boston Fencing Club II 
(3) Salle Auriol Seattle    45 - 28
[Match Details]
Ref:  Mar, Kevin 
SAS / Western WA / USA  (6) NYU     
(6) NYU  45 - 22
[Match Details]
Ref:  Wangner, Ronald P. 
FENCERS / Metro NYC / USA    (2) Boston Fencing Club II   
(7) -BYE-    45 - 31
[Match Details]
Ref:  Soliman, Khaled 
  (2) Boston Fencing Club II   
(2) Boston Fencing Club II     
BOSTN FNCNG. CLB. / New England / USA   

Fence-off for Third  
(1) Boston Fencing Club 
  (1) Boston Fencing Club 
(6) NYU  45 - 30
[Match Details]
Ref:  Greene II, Charles E. 

Table of 8, bout #2 of 4
# RIFAC TS Score Score TS Espada Training Center #
3 Tannous, Dominique (Dom) N. 5 5 4 4 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 6
1 Solley, Luisa 1 6 9 5 Buechel, Holly M. 5
2 Partridge, Bailey T. 4 10 13 4 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 4
1 Solley, Luisa 3 13 20 7 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 6
3 Tannous, Dominique (Dom) N. 5 18 25 5 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 4
2 Partridge, Bailey T. 1 19 29 4 Buechel, Holly M. 5
1 Solley, Luisa 3 22 34 5 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 4
2 Partridge, Bailey T. 3 25 40 6 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 6
3 Tannous, Dominique (Dom) N. 2 27 45 5 Buechel, Holly M. 5
      D27 V45      
Goossens, Bruno
Thornton, Ron
Table of 8, bout #3 of 4
# Salle Auriol Seattle TS Score Score TS NYU #
3 Floyd, Julee (Alaina) A. 5 5 1 1 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
1 Haberkern, Kundry E. 0 5 8 7 Willock, Lauren W. 5
2 Fredendall, Susan M. 4 9 15 7 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
1 Haberkern, Kundry E. 1 10 20 5 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
3 Floyd, Julee (Alaina) A. 4 14 25 5 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
2 Fredendall, Susan M. 3 17 30 5 Willock, Lauren W. 5
1 Haberkern, Kundry E. 2 19 35 5 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
2 Fredendall, Susan M. 2 21 40 5 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
3 Floyd, Julee (Alaina) A. 1 22 45 5 Willock, Lauren W. 5
      D22 V45      
Wangner, Ronald P.
Soliman, Khaled
Semi-Finals, bout #1 of 2
# Boston Fencing Club TS Score Score TS Espada Training Center #
3 Wolf, Stephanie N. 0 0 0 0 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 6
1 Zhao, Amy R. 1 1 3 3 Buechel, Holly M. 5
2 Wallace, Shawn A. 9 10 7 4 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 4
1 Zhao, Amy R. 5 15 12 5 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 6
3 Wolf, Stephanie N. 3 18 21 9 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 4
2 Wallace, Shawn A. 4 22 28 7 Buechel, Holly M. 5
1 Zhao, Amy R. 1 23 30 2 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 4
2 Wallace, Shawn A. 10 33 40 10 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 6
3 Wolf, Stephanie N. 6 39 45 5 Buechel, Holly M. 5
      D39 V45      
Thornton, Ron
Micahnik, David
Wangner, Ronald P.
Semi-Finals, bout #2 of 2
# Boston Fencing Club II TS Score Score TS NYU #
3 Bates, Cassandra L. 5 5 1 1 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
1 Killough, Madeleine B. 5 10 5 4 Willock, Lauren W. 5
2 Jolley, Helen E. 3 13 9 4 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
1 Killough, Madeleine B. 4 17 10 1 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
3 Bates, Cassandra L. 8 25 16 6 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
2 Jolley, Helen E. 5 30 22 6 Willock, Lauren W. 5
1 Killough, Madeleine B. 5 35 26 4 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
2 Jolley, Helen E. 5 40 28 2 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
3 Bates, Cassandra L. 5 45 31 3 Willock, Lauren W. 5
      V45 D31      
Soliman, Khaled
Greene II, Charles E.
Baumgart, Gerrie
Finals, bout #1 of 1
# Espada Training Center TS Score Score TS Boston Fencing Club II #
3 Buechel, Holly M. 0 0 0 0 Jolley, Helen E. 6
1 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 2 2 10 10 Bates, Cassandra L. 5
2 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 7 9 15 5 Killough, Madeleine B. 4
1 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 2 11 20 5 Jolley, Helen E. 6
3 Buechel, Holly M. 8 19 23 3 Killough, Madeleine B. 4
2 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 3 22 30 7 Bates, Cassandra L. 5
1 Wong Peye, Alexandra (Peye) J. 0 22 30 0 Killough, Madeleine B. 4
2 Valese, Brianna (Bri) E. 0 22 30 0 Jolley, Helen E. 6
3 Buechel, Holly M. 6 28 45 15 Bates, Cassandra L. 5
      D28 V45      
Mar, Kevin
Baumgart, Gerrie
Goossens, Bruno
Fence-off for Third, bout #1 of 1
# Boston Fencing Club TS Score Score TS NYU #
3 Wolf, Stephanie N. 5 5 4 4 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
1 Zhao, Amy R. 4 9 10 6 Willock, Lauren W. 5
2 Wallace, Shawn A. 6 15 13 3 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
1 Zhao, Amy R. 3 18 13 0 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
3 Wolf, Stephanie N. 7 25 18 5 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
2 Wallace, Shawn A. 5 30 21 3 Willock, Lauren W. 5
1 Zhao, Amy R. 5 35 25 4 Parkhurst, Alyssa M. 4
2 Wallace, Shawn A. 4 39 28 3 Sherman, Jessica D. 6
3 Wolf, Stephanie N. 6 45 30 2 Willock, Lauren W. 5
      V45 D30      
Greene II, Charles E.
Wangner, Ronald P.
Micahnik, David

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Final Results
Event finished at 5:34 PM
Place Name Club(s) Division Country Members
1 Boston Fencing Club II BOSTN FNCNG. CLB.  New England  USA  Bates, Jolley, Killough 
2 Espada Training Center ESPADA  New Jersey  USA  Buechel, Lott, Valese, Wong 
3 Boston Fencing Club BOSTN FNCNG. CLB.  New England  USA  Wallace, Wells, Wolf, Zhao 
4 NYU FENCERS  Metro NYC  USA  Sherman, Willock, Parkhurst 
5 Salle Auriol Seattle SAS  Western WA  USA  Floyd, Fredendall, Haberkern 
6 RIFAC RIFAC  New England  USA  Partridge, Tannous, Solley 
*Earned classifications are not official until recorded by the National Office.
The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.