Round #1 - DE
Round Seeding
Seed Name Points Members Club(s) Division Country
1 B-Leaf 2320  Goldie, Alanna - A12 / 39, Harvey, Eleanor - A12 / 14, Ryan, Kelleigh - A12 / 27, Zhao, Jenny - B11      USA 
2 Boston Fencing Club 1410  Hewes, Juliet - D12, Nelson, Hali - B12, Weindling, Monica - D11, Yao, Christine - C12  BOSTN FNCNG. CLB.  New England  USA 
Round Scores
(1) B-Leaf 
USA  (1) B-Leaf 
(2) Boston Fencing Club  45 - 23
[Match Details] 
BOSTN FNCNG. CLB. / New England / USA   

Finals, bout #1 of 1
# B-Leaf TS Score Score TS Boston Fencing Club #
3 Ryan, Kelleigh E. 2 2 3 3 Yao, Christine G. 6
1 Goldie, Alanna J. 8 10 6 3 Nelson, Hali 5
2 Zhao, Jenny 5 15 10 4 Weindling, Monica N. 4
1 Goldie, Alanna J. 5 20 10 0 Yao, Christine G. 6
3 Ryan, Kelleigh E. 5 25 12 2 Weindling, Monica N. 4
2 Zhao, Jenny 5 30 18 6 Nelson, Hali 5
1 Goldie, Alanna J. 5 35 18 0 Weindling, Monica N. 4
2 Zhao, Jenny 5 40 20 2 Yao, Christine G. 6
3 Ryan, Kelleigh E. 5 45 23 3 Nelson, Hali 5
      V45 D23      
Sattar, Ahmed

The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.
Final Results
Place Name Club(s) Division Country Members
1 B-Leaf     USA  Goldie, Harvey, Ryan, Zhao 
2 Boston Fencing Club BOSTN FNCNG. CLB.  New England  USA  Hewes, Nelson, Weindling, Yao 
*Earned classifications are not official until recorded by the National Office.
The status of National Collegiate Athletic Association Student Athletes competing in USFA tournaments during the academic year is unaffected by listing their school affiliation or as being "Unattached". The information presented here is used solely to comply with fencing rule o.13 so that conflicts are avoided.